notes on building zeal on mac

    1. check out the stable branch, because it is using .pro file and can be open by Qt Creator
    2. Follow the instruction Configure  here
cat << EOF >> src/libs/core/core.pri
macx: {
    INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/Cellar/libarchive/3.2.2/include
    LIBS += -L/usr/local/Cellar/libarchive/3.2.2/lib -larchive
    INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/Cellar/sqlite/3.15.2/include
    LIBS += -L/usr/local/Cellar/sqlite/3.15.2/lib -lsqlite3

# change according to your computer
  1. Following the instruction here
  2. Now macdeployqt It is done.

Install R-Studio Server for Mac

It is not support by default. However, below is a quick guide how to to that.


  • install homebrew
  • hombrew install boost openssl

  • install jdk, downloaded from oracle site, I use jdk 1.8.
  1. get the source code of rstudio. rstudio and rstudio-server are inside the same source code repository Rstudio GitHub
  2. Open INSTALL to see further instructions, enter the source code directory (~/Downloads/tmp/rstudio):
    1. open install-common, and comment the line 23 (./install-boost) because it is installed by homebrew
    2. run dependencies/common/install-common to install pre-quisite requirements, it will need your sudo power to copy the pam  file.
    3. mkdir build

    4. cd build

    5. cmake .. -DRSTUDIO_TARGET=Server -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/rstudio-server # change the directory to your expectation, here I simply put it in my home folder ~/rstudio-server

    6. make -j9 install # run make in 9 threads

    7. ./rserver –www-address –www-port 8080 –auth-minimum-user-id=500 # enter ~/rstudio-server/bin, and run it, the default port is 8787, here i change the port to 8080

      that is it!

  3. Take a sip of water